Soooo much education... and then her brain exploded

Today was a BIG day for Lyric. I decided it was time for her to go to Rana's for some education aand experience. I planned to leave early so we would have plenty of time in case she didn't want to load. So... I grabbed her and Dan that morning and put Dan on the trailer. I grabbed a handful of Lyrics favorite cookies and... she walked right on! One step at a time, but she literally walked right on. And stood while I squeezed past and did the butt bar. GOOD GIRL! So we headed off. Unfortunatly, despite my intentions of leaving early and her being super quick about getting on, I decided not to stop and get hay on my way and figured we would do it on the way home. Ha! (You'll see). We got to Rana's and I left them on the trailer so I could go pee. When I came back and dropped the ramp, Lyric started freaking out and was trying to get off before I could even get the butt bar down. And she was slipping a little in the poo goo. Luckily I was able to get the bar undone and ...