Quick Lunge

This morning Lyric and I did some work in the round pen. We started with our pillar work and got some nice Pillar 2 and 3's also. Then we practiced yielding to the bit and the "leg" both ways and she was super with that. So then we lunged with the cavesson. She was great. Tracking right is easier for her to soften and relax. Tracking left was tougher, and included one bit buck and squirt move. But we also got some nice more relaxed work. Baby steps!! I'm very proud of her. She got her new shoes on Thursday and luckily she still has all four glue ons. Sara was pleased with her foot growth, but displeased with her behavior. Ha ha. She wasn't awful, just a bit fussy and wiggly. Which, is fine, except not when you're trying to put glue ons on and get the glue to set! So we also practiced picking up all four feet (and I had pulled the cavesson off and not put her halter on, so even better!). And we'll work on it before Sara's next visit. 

So yep. Good girl! I'm pleased with her progress. Slowly, but surely. :) 


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