Taking risks... but she's a good girl

 Today... it was warm and lovely! A gorgeous day. BUT... with 13-15 mph winds. So.. I decided to ride! Lyric first. Ha ha.. I was at least smart and put on my MIPS helmet for this ride. :) (Vs the non mips helmet). I groomed her and tacked her up. So far, so good! We walked to the arena with only a few stops and bribes with cookies. Eventually the other horses showed up, but she was less concerned than prior, so yay! Of course Dan had moseyed sort of near us but then as we descended the hill to the arena, he came squirting up and made Lyric jump! Crazy fool. ;) 


We did a lap or two of pillar work and then I got on. She was a teensy bit jumpy. It didn't help that Jean's filly hurt her leg so she was locked away from friends and kept screaming non-stop. So we worked on the walk and getting even but soft rein contact. We even worked a little bit on "leg yielding". She's much better yielding left than right. But we made a teeny bit of progress. So then we trotted. She was definitely a bit more tense, but was very good. There was a noise in the woods that did make her scoot sideways for a few steps but then she settled and was fine. Again, a bit more nervous and tense, but nothing happened other than the one spook. So yay! We survived the first spook under saddle. :) We worked on trotting a bit longer... focusing on balance and soft hands and straightness. Then I tried a canter. The left lead is definitely hard for her to get. She picked up the right so we used a trick I remember Aubrey teaching me and just crossed the diagonal and cantered right. Then we went back and tried the left again and she got it. Good girl! We did a bit more trotting after a little break and then we were done. 


Except, I tempted fate again. I thought.. maybe I can ride her back to the barn. I didn't think she would be bad... even with the winds, but... I wasn't sure what she would do if Dan or Funny came galloping up. Which... was entirely possible that day. But luckily, she was good and they all stayed put until we were mostly back at the barn and then they politely and respecfully walked up. Phew! We walked over the log on the ground too! But I was not brave (or stupid maybe) enough to try trotting or cantering in the field today. 


Good girl! Hopefully I can get her on the trailer Tuesday and she won't freak out about going to our lesson. She has seemed more confident without being so attached to the other horses recently, so... fingers crossed. :)



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