Ride Number 5


Lyric was a very good girl today. I rode Dan first and then lunged Funny. When I let Funny go I grabbed Lyric and we walked back to the barn. Luckily the other ponies came with us, but even so, she was still much calmer in the barn than usual. I groomed her and then went to pee and left her in the cross ties. She was still in the same spot when I got back! Good girl. There was no fussing when I tacked her up. I left her halter on because I was planning to lunge her first, and I had left the cavesson up at the arena. So we started walking to the arena. She stopped every few steps because the others weren't coming, but... she didn't do anything more than that and when I tickled her with the whip, she carried on. We managed to get halfway to the arena before Dan started meandering up, but... still. She was pretty brave. 


We did our psoas stretch and then a few minutes of pillar work. Then we lunged. It wasn't ideal as she didn't lower her head, but she's figuring out how to lunge. And her hind feet were following in the tracks of her front feet. So yay. We didn't do a ton. Just enough to make sure she wasn't going to be crazy in this cold weather (ha.. not really.. She's not that kind of girl). But also because I didn't want to wear her out and/or keep strengthening the dysfunction. 

So I got on. At the fence again. She was good. We just walked and trotted today. I didn't want to get her sweaty by cantering because it's cold and getting more cold tonight. And.. no need. We worked on contact - soft hands that encourage her to reach for the bit. We worked on steering... and keeping her body straight. It wasn't dramatically better than the last ride, but a little bit better. So yay! We even got some really nice trot for a few strides every so often. Good girl! I also worked on my position some. Oh, and... we rode in the dressage saddle too! So yay for that!


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