
Today I managed to work all 3 ponies in a decent time frame. I grabbed the stuff and headed out to the pasture to find them. All 4 of them were grazing by the arena in the farthest corner of the pasture. Dan meandered up so he got to go first. Then they were all hanging out at the gate and taking turns rolling in the sand. Ha ha. But after I worked Dan, I turned him loose and grabbed Funny. Then I turned her loose and grabbed Lyric. Ha! It was so quick and easy with them all lined up for me. ;) I opted to just do pillar work today as I still think Lyric hasn't figured out how to use her body. Although afterwards I was so tempted to ride.... I want to ride! But she was great. We started out with a good static pillar 1 and she really let go. Then we got some good walking pillar 1 and even some good Pillar 2 and 3's. Then we progressed to short lunging and her yielding her barrel and shoulder to me when I stepped into her. She got really good at it. And we played a little with...