
 Today I managed to work all 3 ponies in a decent time frame. I grabbed the stuff and headed out to the pasture to find them. All 4 of them were grazing by the arena in the farthest corner of the pasture. Dan meandered up so he got to go first. Then they were all hanging out at the gate and taking turns rolling in the sand. Ha ha. But after I worked Dan, I turned him loose and grabbed Funny. Then I turned her loose and grabbed Lyric. Ha! It was so quick and easy with them all lined up for me. ;) 

I opted to just do pillar work today as I still think Lyric hasn't figured out how to use her body. Although afterwards I was so tempted to ride.... I want to ride! But she was great. We started out with a good static pillar 1 and she really let go. Then we got some good walking pillar 1 and even some good Pillar 2 and 3's. Then we progressed to short lunging and her yielding her barrel and shoulder to me when I stepped into her. She got really good at it. And we played a little with "rein" pressure at the bit area and pressure at the ribcage to ask for bend. She started to get it. Then we did some trotting on the lunge line, although I was really kind of trotting in hand with her. She wasn't as soft and relaxed as the last time sadly. We maybe got it a little bit tracking left in the beginning, but then Jean drove up on the golf cart to put back the blue blocks she had borrowed. I was super proud of Lyric because she didn't get distracted and just kept working. But she definitely wasn't as soft in the neck. At the trot. But afterwards, she immediately softened and then licked and chewed, so... maybe she's figuring it out. 

Overall I felt like she was much softer and let go in her neck today. :) I'm so very proud of her. She even almost looks even in her withers and hip today, at least when you look at her right side. I have no idea why but every photo of her left side looks downhill still, but her right side doesn't. Ha ha.. Doh! I even got a yawn today though! YAHOOO!!! And I'm pleased because on her own, she seems much softer too. 

After I turned her out, I was petting Funny and then she walked back up to me for snuggles. And tonight she whinnied at me for dinner (which isn't a new thing... and I know it's dinner), but after she was done eating and I turned her out, she walked back up for a little quick snuggle session. Awwwww... 

So.. baby steps. Maybe soon we can get back to riding and work on building her up from the tack. I'm sure I won't be able to restrain myself for too long. Especially if I have to back off on Dan again. But hopefully I won't rush her. 

See... downhill vs uphill... 

So downhill... but why?? The other direction looks uphill. So weird!

She's starting to fit in. :) ha ha!


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