Winter Sillies

 The temperatures dropped dramatically last night and today. Yesterday it was super windy but was still warmish. It was like.... 60 degrees, but the winds were blowing at 10 mph. And Lyric has a very thin coat, so I tossed a sheet on her for the night since it was supposed to drop into the low 40's in the wee hours of the morning. Then it was still blowing hard this morning so I left her sheet on til 11ish. 

She and Fleck were quite content to come in for hay, although Fleck was super frisky! She was pretty chill. Heathen 1 and Heathen 2 were out kicking up their heels. But yay for good brained chestnut TB mare. ;) 

I did manage to do a very short session in the arena. I'm still frustrated though because I feel like she's cheating in the pillar work. She softens and goes low but she hasn't quite fully let go. I am getting more licks and chews though. And while lunging at the walk, she does seem pretty jello-y and soft. Trotting definitely gets her more braced, but not nearly as bad as it used to be. 

She does seem to be pretty smart though because she is offering some Pillar 3 on her own! Good girl! I'm so torn though... I really want to ride her and maybe see if I can help her get the pillars better under saddle. Although, really, who am I kidding.... I just want to ride her! But I do also think she's not ready yet, from a biomechanical standpoint. Ugh.... It's so hard to be patient. I'll probably end up riding anyways, but still working on the pillars. Which is probably going to bite me in the butt, but... I want to ride her!!! At least for a few rides to see what she's like.. and make sure she's sound. I'd hate to wait 6 months to get her body ready and then realize she's not sound and has to have surgery to remove a chip or something and then not be able to do the makeover because I waited too long. (Or am I just making excuses to validate myself?)

Anyways... tonight the winds were blowing hard and it was CHILLY! Much colder than yesterday and going to get colder so they all got clothes. And she was making me laugh. She was fine with the boys wearing their jackets, but... she could not figure Funny out. She was staring at her and chasing her. Weirdo! I couldn't tell if she was confused as to what Funny was wearing.... if she wanted that color blue blanket... or if she's just challenging her. Oh well, they settled and set to eating their hay. But good news... she fits in the boys clothes, so yay for that!


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