Back to Pillars

 Today was a "short day". I got home at 5 pm!!! Luckily I still had some daylight so I worked Funny in the arena and then when we were done... all the horses were back at the barn, cause... dinnertime. So I grabbed Lyric and took pity on her and took her to the roundpen instead of making her go to the arena. 

We did our pillar work. She's getting better. I got a bit more licking and chewing and a bit lower head. And we even got some better releases to pressure. We also did some pillar 2 (although technically it may have been pillar 1 backwards) and some pillar 3. 

I also worked on our lunging at the trot. She's still not letting go in her neck, but she's not as braced. And I got a stride or two here and there of her actually reaching down. More so than she does at the walk, but.. certainly not for more than one or two strides. But yay! 

We finished with a bit more pillar 1 at the halt and then I let her back out. Good girl!


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