Ride Number 1!
This morning was still chilly so I left clothes on til after I got back from the dentist. Dan managed to grab Flecks' before I could get it and was playing with it. Lyric was intrigued! hee hee... They were cracking me up!
Anyways... after I rode Dan, I rode Lyric!! Kelli had come over and brought Marvin so she agreed to stay and let me ride her and have her as my moral support. Because Marvin was in a stall, I left Dan in a stall and then turned Funny and Fleck out, hoping they would come up to the top of the pasture to keep us company. I should have known better! Fleck and Funny went down to investigate Marvin, so... when I went to lead Lyric up to the arena by ourselves, she got upset. She actually reared up and tried to bolt! Sigh.. my bad, for not allowing her time to process and think, and not rewarding the forward walking. In my defense, Kelli didn't have long, so I was trying to hurry for her sake. And mine too because I had to be done in enough time to take Mike to get his bike. So, I rushed her. Luckily, Fleck and Funny did come up so we were able to get into the arena without any additional craziness. I did a minute of pillar 1 on the ground. I would have loved to have done more, but again...trying to hurry for Kelli's sake. (Note to self... don't do that! Just pick another day or make Kelli wait...). So I got on. We stood and stared at Fleck for a minute while I waited to make sure she wasn't going to explode. Then I got her to walk off. And then we rode! There was a few moments of tension and two little bouts of bouncies. But nothing major. And, considering Fleck and Funny meandered back to Dan relatively quickly (turds!) she was phenomenal! She "went to work" like a good thoroughbred and tried! Steering got better as we rode longer, but it still needs some work. We had upward and downward transitions and we didn't bolt. We didn't really have a half halt, but... she did slow down with my rhythm and maybe a little bit of my core. Yay! She even walked over ground poles and maybe we even trotted some. Good girl!!!
So we walked and trotted and did circle attempts and the diagonal across the arena. We didn't ride long because both Kelli and I had to go... Lyric was being so good and I didn't want to get greedy... and I do think she was fatiguing a little bit because she was much softer in her neck in the beginning of our ride. And... the whole time I was cringing because... we're not in pillar 1, we're not in pillar 1. And she leans... and bulges her right shoulder. But.. I don't know. Like I said.. I wanted to ride! We'll keep doing our pillar work and I'll be much better about doing it before I got on from now on.
Good girl!!!
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