
Showing posts from March, 2025

Tomorrow is another day

  And today was a better day. I still was sad and even cried this morning, mostly because of hormones. But... Dr. DeClue called me as I was pulling into Barrows for my vet appt. She told me not to worry about working up the lameness, but to hold steady. She said that the shockwave changes how things feel and that's probably why she looked worse yesterday. And she said that she needed her neck facets done. And then I was like "Can I bring her to you again?" and she said yes. Phew. So, she'll send me dates soon. So that helped. Just... stay the course Holly. And then I adore Dr. Barrow too. I basically told her the whole story and she listened and didn't blow me off. She didn't dismiss anything and she was smart and had good ideas! We checked her front feet with hoof testers and she was negative so she didn't think it was her feet. She said she agreed that it wouldn't be wrong to do her hocks and stifles because sometimes veterinary medicine is "a d...

Well damn... just damn....

  Sigh... I want to cry. I did cry. Sigh... my poor beautiful girl.  We had the saddle fitter come today to assess the disaster dressage saddle. It's not the original fitter but someone she recommended who was traveling past us to go to her other clients. So yay! Maybe I can finally decide one way or another with this saddle. But nope...  Since she was coming I had her check the other saddles and horses too. And Kelli came and brought Marvin. She looked at Lyric and thought that the dressage saddle fit her pretty decently, it just needed flocking because the wool was completely squashed and not much in there. She was going to flock it and have me ride in it but then I mentioned that I was also using it on Funny and wanted her to check it on her first. She did mention she wanted me to try riding her in it to see it. I told her about the rehab stuff and lameness but then honestly, I sort of thought it might be worth seeing how she felt, especially given the vet visit tomorr...

Another lunge, another shockwave

  Today I had to work because the saddle fitter is coming tomorrow, so I moved most of my patients to today. BUT I still managed to get home by 2ish so after a quick lunch, I headed out to lunge Lyric.    We headed to the arena to get the lunge whip and line and did a little bit of pillar work and then some serpentines via the lunge. She was good at changing directions with the whip point. Then we headed to the pasture to work on the hills again. She wasn't sassy this time. She looked a bit mincier again. Not as much lame, but more stabby un front I think. Of course I was planning to shockwave her again. Maybe I should have done it first? Oh well. We did our ten minutes total each way with our walk breaks and then I did another lap or two each direction in the arena to assess on flat ground. Better overall still, but.. not as comfortable as I want. She had more "pain face" indicators today too.    Then we headed to the barn and I put her in the washrack cross ti...

Confidence Boosters

Lyric was my first victim today.  I gave her a pep talk as we headed to the arena. I told her that she was a strong confident lady and needed to trust herself and me. And that while I understand that I was also neurotic, she was stuck with me and we would have to ignore each others neurosis's. I also told her that she needed to embrace some changes. But she should also know that there were a few definite no changes. She was stuck with me. I wouldn't sell her. And that Fleck, Funny, and Dan were also stuck with me. We may all go places and stay overnight or even for a few days, but we would always come back. And that shoudl give her confidence to embrace some changes... go with the flow.  So we walked around the perimeter of the farm and went up the hill. Then I decided... let's lunge in the pasture instead. It's dusty. We're bored. It's so repetitive. And... we've been doing this for 4 or 5 weeks now... And, it would be good for her core and muscles to go up...

More lunging... boring lunging

 But a pretty sunset seems more like herself again. but.. hard to tell if she's feeling better or just being a good girl. not a lot of pain indicators in her face.. but occasionally. no bute this am