
Showing posts from December, 2024

Last ride of the Year!

 Today was a beautiful day! A bit windy but warm and sunny. Kelli came over to our farm today because we were going to ride ponies, then shockwave and inject Marvin, and then do a bit fitting for at least one pony. I decided that Funny was the most important for bits, so I rode Lyric while she rode Marvin. The plan was to then treat Marvin and then get lunch and then do Funny's bit fitting.  We got them tacked up and headed up to the arena. Poor Marvin... Mike started up the motorcycle, Jean's yard crew was working with leaf blowers and lawn mowers... and then my horses followed us up and were being silly. Lots of commotion. ;) Lyric wasn't phased, but... she lives here and is used to it. I lunged her first to get her loosened up. And it helped. She worked out of her hitch quicker than the other day I think. I still see something... but I can't figure out what. It almost looked like she wasn't tracking up with her right hind today while tracking right... but then I ...

Spin Cycle

  Lyric and I had a lesson with Kelly today. I figured it would be nice to get her eyeballs and thoughts. I was running a bit behind though... We skidded into Ashland with 6 mintues to unload and tack up and get in the covered arena. Luckily Kelly was running late too so we were able to tack up and walk around outside the arena for 15 minutes. It was a bit too slick to trot, which would have been helpful but it worked out well because Kelly was able to see her before she got loosened up. I told her all the struggles we've been having and she watched me walk. She said she didn't see any lameness at the walk and she was tracking up nicely.    So then we trotted. And honestly, Lyric felt worse than she had the last few rides. She still feels normal and okay going left or straight but tracking right feels awful. Kelly watched for a few minutes and then stopped me. She said that she totally saw what I was feeling but that she didn't look lame so much as "stuck". She to...

Merry Merry Christmas!

  Christmas!!   The ponies got candy canes this morning. They loved them. Then they got some naked time. Lyric was silly and running around like a fool. She managed to slip and totally lost her hind end today. Ooof... I'm so glad her stifle survived! They were having fun though.  I did end up riding her at home. We walked up to the arena and did some pillar work very briefly and then I hopped on. We played with our walk work... doing some turn on the forehand and turn on the haunches and attempting shoulder in. Ha ha. That is hard! Then we did some leg yielding. And then we trotted. And she still felt sticky and short, and maybe lame. So we cantered. I picked up the right lead first (I think) and she was going for it! We were fast cantering around the whole arena about 4 laps before I could bring her back down and then we went to the left lead. She wasn't quite as fast but a bit more broncy. Luckily nothing major. So then we went back to trotting and she felt better. I do...

The Saddle is Back!

 So.... we got our saddles back!! I had loaded Funny up on the trailer to go ride when the UPS truck pulled in with the giant box, so I grabbed the saddles and put them in the trailer. Then I left the step stool out and ran over it. Doh! But we got the saddles! Since Funny was already loaded up, we headed out anyways. But then, after I rode Funny, I brought her home and loaded Lyric up and then we headed out to meet Kelli and ride.    They did send the girth and stirrup leathers too, although they aren't the mono leathers. But at least they are the right sizes! They actually fit. :) Yay. And the girth is nice too. And, her saddle fits!!! Kelli looked at it and thought it fit her perfectly. It looked so narrow looking at it just on the rack, but I guess that's because I've been staring at "Marvins" XXW baroque tree. ha ha. She seemed quite happy and comfortable in it too. At first I was a little disappointed because I had my mono leathers on, which... are too short...

Gallop day

 I know, I know... it was supposed to be a fun canter. But.. she finally channeled her inner race horse and took off! I could hardly even steer. Sorry Lucy!! We might have gone on the hay fields some. Ooopsy! But it might have stretched her out. And she certainly felt fine after. Much more swingy. ;)    We started our ride in the dressage ring, like proper sane riders. She is still not quite right in the beginning, if not actually lame (although better than it has been). She definitely improves quickly although occasionally I still feel it, especially when changing from tracking left to tracking right. And she lost her hind end a few times too. So, shockwaving her LS/SI/lumbars wasn't a cure, but maybe it helped. Maybe it didn't do anything and it's just time? Maybe it's the softer footing at Ashland vs home. Interestingly, she is bending better to the right. Tracking left she still wants to counterbend a bit and is leaning into my leg. But, it did get better and we had...