Last ride of the Year!

Today was a beautiful day! A bit windy but warm and sunny. Kelli came over to our farm today because we were going to ride ponies, then shockwave and inject Marvin, and then do a bit fitting for at least one pony. I decided that Funny was the most important for bits, so I rode Lyric while she rode Marvin. The plan was to then treat Marvin and then get lunch and then do Funny's bit fitting. We got them tacked up and headed up to the arena. Poor Marvin... Mike started up the motorcycle, Jean's yard crew was working with leaf blowers and lawn mowers... and then my horses followed us up and were being silly. Lots of commotion. ;) Lyric wasn't phased, but... she lives here and is used to it. I lunged her first to get her loosened up. And it helped. She worked out of her hitch quicker than the other day I think. I still see something... but I can't figure out what. It almost looked like she wasn't tracking up with her right hind today while tracking right... but then I ...