Last ride of the Year!

 Today was a beautiful day! A bit windy but warm and sunny. Kelli came over to our farm today because we were going to ride ponies, then shockwave and inject Marvin, and then do a bit fitting for at least one pony. I decided that Funny was the most important for bits, so I rode Lyric while she rode Marvin. The plan was to then treat Marvin and then get lunch and then do Funny's bit fitting. 

We got them tacked up and headed up to the arena. Poor Marvin... Mike started up the motorcycle, Jean's yard crew was working with leaf blowers and lawn mowers... and then my horses followed us up and were being silly. Lots of commotion. ;) Lyric wasn't phased, but... she lives here and is used to it. I lunged her first to get her loosened up. And it helped. She worked out of her hitch quicker than the other day I think. I still see something... but I can't figure out what. It almost looked like she wasn't tracking up with her right hind today while tracking right... but then I still thought I saw a head bob. I don't know. We managed to end with some nice stretchy forward down and out trot work. And she's definitely tracking up better. 

I hopped on and she was definitely more forward and responsive to the aids today. I didn't have to get after her very much. We did lots of trotting after a little walk breather. She felt pretty good although I do still feel it sometimes. Again, I just can't figure out where it's stemming from. She was a good girl! We are still a little counter bent and wanting to lean into my left leg when tracking left... but I don't know how much of that is me creating blockages. We had some canters and she was not quite as bolty as last time but still motoring. We played with canter serpentines and did a few smaller canter circles. She's leaning in hard tracking left. I am guessing I really need to work on stretching the right side of her body! 

Nothing spectacular today but she was quite good and we had lots of good moments. Making some progress. She did catch a hind end once or twice today but that was it. And we had some really good leg yields too at the trot. When I was done, I hopped on Marvin to feel him out. I actually rode him a fairly long time. I made him sweat! He's fun. Lyric hung out with Kelli and watched. 

When we were done we walked them back to the barn and Kelli was in front. Out of the blue, Lyric just stretched out her neck and took a big chunk out of Marvin's butt! She grabbed a large wad of flesh! She didn't break the skin, but good gravy Lyric! What was that for?!? Jealousy? Flirting? Naughty!

She had sweated a little too. It was warm today. So she got a rinse and I turned her back out. Hopefully we can do a bit fitting for her soon too. 

(not photos from today.. just a few that I don't think I have shared because... I forgot to get some today!)


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