Merry Merry Christmas!



The ponies got candy canes this morning. They loved them. Then they got some naked time. Lyric was silly and running around like a fool. She managed to slip and totally lost her hind end today. Ooof... I'm so glad her stifle survived! They were having fun though. 

I did end up riding her at home. We walked up to the arena and did some pillar work very briefly and then I hopped on. We played with our walk work... doing some turn on the forehand and turn on the haunches and attempting shoulder in. Ha ha. That is hard! Then we did some leg yielding. And then we trotted. And she still felt sticky and short, and maybe lame. So we cantered. I picked up the right lead first (I think) and she was going for it! We were fast cantering around the whole arena about 4 laps before I could bring her back down and then we went to the left lead. She wasn't quite as fast but a bit more broncy. Luckily nothing major. So then we went back to trotting and she felt better. I do wonder if some of it is tension or.. my imagination or what?! She's on 12 methocarbamols BID now for ... maybe the 3rd day... 

Anyways... she still had a few moments of not quite right feelings but in general, she felt pretty good. We worked on leg yields and inside leg to outside rein. She's still hanging on the left rein. So when we track left, she won't get off the inside rein and she wants to go counterbent. I cannot seem to get her into the outside rein connection consistently and certainly not without having too much connection on the inside/left rein. But we worked on the cloverleaf and we had some really good moments. She may not have been truly IN the outside rein, but she at least was nice in her body. Tracking right she's much better but that's because she's still hanging on the left rein, it's just now the outside rein so not as "wrong" feeling. I tried to make sure that I was keeping my hips and shoulders and sternum pointed the right way. And I also tried to open my inside rein to give her left shoulder somewhere to go. But sometimes it seemed to help and sometimes it didn't, so... 

But again, we're making progress. We had a lot of good moments today and she felt much less inverted and felt more willing to go forward. So... yay! Good pony!



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