
And thus, also my mood :) Ha ha. It also helps immensely that WE HAVE WATER!!!! Yahoo! Anyways.... I'm still pretty convinced she's just foot sore... which seems to be the case for her. Sigh.. hoping she can stay barefoot, but.. maybe we tried too soon. I'm hoping that it's just foot soreness, but... it's hard to tell. She seems to be sound when she is doing well, so... that's my thought anyways. So this morning I gave her a dose of bute - just 1 gram - and took her to Ashland where their footing is softer than mine. And she was pretty happy. She was definitely more forward and not as mincy and after the first two laps, she felt sound. We had a great ride! She was pretty darn good and we even got to canter some and settled quickly into a nice trot again. I kept it pretty short because she was so good and because I didn't want to make her more sore. BUT... I didn't have to get home just yet (needed to be home so that Mike could go take his bike in f...