
Showing posts from June, 2023


 And thus, also my mood :) Ha ha. It also helps immensely that WE HAVE WATER!!!! Yahoo!   Anyways.... I'm still pretty convinced she's just foot sore... which seems to be the case for her. Sigh.. hoping she can stay barefoot, but.. maybe we tried too soon. I'm hoping that it's just foot soreness, but... it's hard to tell. She seems to be sound when she is doing well, so... that's my thought anyways. So this morning I gave her a dose of bute - just 1 gram - and took her to Ashland where their footing is softer than mine. And she was pretty happy. She was definitely more forward and not as mincy and after the first two laps, she felt sound. We had a great ride! She was pretty darn good and we even got to canter some and settled quickly into a nice trot again. I kept it pretty short because she was so good and because I didn't want to make her more sore.    BUT... I didn't have to get home just yet (needed to be home so that Mike could go take his bike in f...

Still lame and... shenanigans afoot

  This is where having 3 riding horses comes in handy! Although I suppose Funny doesn't quite count yet. I tried to ride Lyric again today and she's still lame. Sigh.. I'm glad I was able to ride Dan and him and I had a blast, but I was really wanting to ride Lyric too. Time's a wastin' and we've got RRP coming up! :) Plus.. she's fun.    This morning I woke up to some shenanigan sounds in the stalls although it was short lived so I didn't investigate. When I fed I found Lyrics fly boot (still velcroed) in the stall next to a long thick splintered piece of wood. I'm guessing it's a piece of the stall? She didn't have any marks or wounds on her and was walking fine, but kept resting that leg. Argh.. come on girl!! Get it together! So anyways.. I gave her some bute with breakfast, so I was sort of hoping that maybe we'd be okay to ride in the arena. So I tacked up and headed up there. She was a bit fussy going up  because the other ponies w...

Making Lemonade

Today was Dan's day at Ashland but I decided to hop on Lyric this evening. It had cooled down slightly and Mike said he didn't mind and was planning to go out on the bike anyways. So we tacked up and headed to the arena. We did our pillar work and then I got on and we started with our walk work. She was super and was not inverted or braced and we were able to do our square turns! Yay! So then I asked for a trot and... ugh, she's lame. Like pretty legit lame. Sigh. When I picked her feet I noticed that she had a bruised heel bulb on a front foot and was a little tender. That might have been the foot that had the last little bit of hoof casting around the heels. Or maybe she bruised it when we were trail riding yesterday. Ugh... Sorry girly! I tried a few laps to see if she would work out of it, but she really didn't. And was not happy, so... we called it quits. I did hack her back to the barn.  Jean's horses were being silly and galloping and then Dan got excited and...

Well that went well!

  Well dang girl!! You have thoroughly exceeded my expectations today!    I desperately wanted to take Lyric on a trail ride and was not thinking when I took Dan yesterday instead of her. Because today is the show at Ashland. And when Lyric went to the last show, she came off the trailer ... animated! To put it lightly. But oh well. I figured I could hopefully get her out and about quick enough that perhaps she could settle and we could avoid the chaos. And then I couldn't think of anyone who would want to join me and keep us company. So... I figured it might not go great. But it's me, so.. we went anyways.    But she was brilliant!! She got off the trailer and was like "oh cool, another show... I know what this is"... and just sat there chowing down on her hay. Okay... off to a great start! I got her tacked up and hopped on and headed down the row of trailers. She was totally fine! Not even slightly on edge. Alright!!! I ran into Beth and Jamie and stopped to c...

Another good ride

 Getting the hang of contact and not inverting. :) And cantering. and chilling after we canter

Such a good ride

 11 days off worked well for Lyric. She was super good girl. A bit nervous at the trailer tacking up .. maybe mike weed eating? but settled and was great under saddle. Really soft in the bridle and i was able to use SOOOO much less pressure to get her to soften and she actually sort of let me have a soft contact. Got both leads twice each way and only a little nervous after cantering. But once we cantered the other way she settled quicker. Freaky smart.. very short ride, but also did some pillars to start. But she was so good... I wanted to quit!