Making Lemonade

Today was Dan's day at Ashland but I decided to hop on Lyric this evening. It had cooled down slightly and Mike said he didn't mind and was planning to go out on the bike anyways. So we tacked up and headed to the arena. We did our pillar work and then I got on and we started with our walk work. She was super and was not inverted or braced and we were able to do our square turns! Yay!

So then I asked for a trot and... ugh, she's lame. Like pretty legit lame. Sigh. When I picked her feet I noticed that she had a bruised heel bulb on a front foot and was a little tender. That might have been the foot that had the last little bit of hoof casting around the heels. Or maybe she bruised it when we were trail riding yesterday. Ugh... Sorry girly! I tried a few laps to see if she would work out of it, but she really didn't. And was not happy, so... we called it quits. I did hack her back to the barn.  Jean's horses were being silly and galloping and then Dan got excited and was power trotting with his tail flagged. Seriously guys?! Luckily Lyric behaved. When I got to the water trough I hopped off. Then I realized that the skies were getting pretty dark. Hmmm... Okay... We untacked fairly quickly and since we didn't work very hard, she wasn't even sweaty. I was watching and the dark clouds were really rolling in so I went ahead and turned her out. She reared straight up and then galloped off, bucking and rearing. And then the winds kicked in. 

GOOD TIMING!!! I'm am very grateful that she was lame because otherwise I think I might have been in trouble. The winds that rolled in came in quick and they were fierce! Like... I honestly worried a little bit that there might be a tornado rolling in. There were little dust tornado's in the arena and the trees were blowing hard!! After about 10 minutes of hard winds.. the rain started and then it came down hard!!! It rained hard for about an hour and the horses were hunkered in the hay barn so... I just prayed they stayed safe. And when the winds picked up I had called Mike. He was still out on the Ninja. He got home but was soaking wet! He didn't quite beat the rains, but grateful he made it home safe!

They did and after the storm rolled through it was gorgeous!!!

But since it was cooler and they were all freshly rinsed off, they were feral!!! Ha ha... I was trying to take photos and they were farting around. 


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