
 And thus, also my mood :) Ha ha. It also helps immensely that WE HAVE WATER!!!! Yahoo! 

Anyways.... I'm still pretty convinced she's just foot sore... which seems to be the case for her. Sigh.. hoping she can stay barefoot, but.. maybe we tried too soon. I'm hoping that it's just foot soreness, but... it's hard to tell. She seems to be sound when she is doing well, so... that's my thought anyways. So this morning I gave her a dose of bute - just 1 gram - and took her to Ashland where their footing is softer than mine. And she was pretty happy. She was definitely more forward and not as mincy and after the first two laps, she felt sound. We had a great ride! She was pretty darn good and we even got to canter some and settled quickly into a nice trot again. I kept it pretty short because she was so good and because I didn't want to make her more sore. 

BUT... I didn't have to get home just yet (needed to be home so that Mike could go take his bike in for new tires... in case they weren't done with the well yet). So.. we headed out to the XC field. I figured we could walk on the grass and maybe she if it was hot enough and she was thirsty enough if I could get her in the lake. That answer was no, not yet. Ha ha. We meandered down to the XC field and picked up a little trot. Then... I got greedy and sent her over a little log. She had fun so then we thought... well, let's see about starter. So I picked the three log stack, which in retrospect MIGHT have been BN but I don't know for sure. It's certainly not that tall but definitely wider than what she's done. She stopped the first two times but then we went over it! Yay! It was a bit timid so I tried again and she said no again. Doh! So we turned and tried something else and she was game. Then we cantered a bit and she had fun. We then trotted to the lake and she said nope! But she did get a little bit closer. Then we headed down raccoon loop and through the Never Ending Story rocks. Then we did the ditch, which she was totally fine for. Then we went into the water complex, which she was totally fine for and even sat and drank and wanted to hang out. We did go up the bank from the water but it took some convincing. And then we went up the other side but she did not want to go down into the water from the slightly bigger side, but we managed it from the slightly smaller side. 

Then we did the small regular bank up and down easy peasy. :) So then we headed home. :) Good girl! She was soaking wet because it was soooo humid so she got a nice rinse and cool down. And when we got home...we had water!!!! Yay!


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