
Showing posts from March, 2023

Ride at Home

 A bit quick again, but at the end, really got the hang of bending through the barrel with inside leg. started reaching for the bit. yay. got both canters, but left is still a struggle. felt a bit leany again today.  didn't mind the drone though, so yay

Proud Momma!!!!

Loaded immediately and stood pawed on ride, worse on the way home unloaded and was brave despite being alone (no other horses), tractor and trash truck tacked up and walked to jump arena, walked around and trotted. calm and chill jacel came ground poles: she's responsible for her own feet. let her make mistakes and fix them. builds her confidence, walked then trotted then two cross rails on the 4 strides. trotted to first one but go around second. let her make mistakes. Trotted a few times, then veered right and stopped her.. walked through the pole. jumped the next time. was so proud. then did the second jump but skipped the first. then cantered on landing. soooo proud, almost bucked. then tried to keep cantering and canter a fence and she said nope.. too quick. she needs time to process. but we don't know if we don't ask. very brave.. did good. trotted and landed in canter twice more and called it quits then hacked down to see kelli. drug me into arena to see marvin went ...


  And again, Thank you God for answering my prayers. Thank you for letting me get a good ride in, for letting my pony be sound, and for just.... all of the things you do for me.    Like I said on Dan's blog... I managed to sneak in a ride today after spending most of the day with Mike and his friends. Dan was so good and we finished at sunset, so I snagged Lyric to at least lunge her and see if she was sound. She had gotten a gram of bute in the morning and evening both days yesterday and then this morning at like 8:30 am. And it was like... 7:30 pm now. So I groomed her at the trailer (See, the trailer doesn't always mean a trip!) and went ahead and just tacked her up. I figured we could lunge in tack and if it was subtle, I may need to hop on to feel if she was sound or not.    So we got up to the arena and sadly, I didn't do pillars as the daylight was fading fast. But we lunged. She trotted a few circles both ways and was reaching down with her nose, so.. ya...

We did it Solo!!!!!

 Crazy week... Tree moving and burning. Brave girl Shoe Dentist: good mouth... all normal minus some small ulcers. Last visit allowed her teeth to come in straight and happy Now let's go ride! Crazy day with scheduling with Kelli... then sprinkler attack with dan. Finally got to take Lyric. She loaded up pretty much immediately but did come back off before i was ready. So we did it again and she stayed put and I got the butt bar up and everything was fine. Hauled pretty well to ashland.  unloaded great. tacked up fine. Went to mounting block and was good but didn't want to stand still for photos. got in arena and did our walks... trotted and she's lame. pretty darn lame. so sat on the buckle and videod kelli's ride. good girl.  hacked to XC but super lame so got off to check feet. No rocks. opted to walk to XC and then decide. Wanted desperately to get on and walk her over the obstacles but then two other riders showed up and.. nerves and they were xc schooling so... ju...