And again, Thank you God for answering my prayers. Thank you for letting me get a good ride in, for letting my pony be sound, and for just.... all of the things you do for me. Like I said on Dan's blog... I managed to sneak in a ride today after spending most of the day with Mike and his friends. Dan was so good and we finished at sunset, so I snagged Lyric to at least lunge her and see if she was sound. She had gotten a gram of bute in the morning and evening both days yesterday and then this morning at like 8:30 am. And it was like... 7:30 pm now. So I groomed her at the trailer (See, the trailer doesn't always mean a trip!) and went ahead and just tacked her up. I figured we could lunge in tack and if it was subtle, I may need to hop on to feel if she was sound or not. So we got up to the arena and sadly, I didn't do pillars as the daylight was fading fast. But we lunged. She trotted a few circles both ways and was reaching down with her nose, so.. ya...