And again, Thank you God for answering my prayers. Thank you for letting me get a good ride in, for letting my pony be sound, and for just.... all of the things you do for me.
Like I said on Dan's blog... I managed to sneak in a ride today after spending most of the day with Mike and his friends. Dan was so good and we finished at sunset, so I snagged Lyric to at least lunge her and see if she was sound. She had gotten a gram of bute in the morning and evening both days yesterday and then this morning at like 8:30 am. And it was like... 7:30 pm now. So I groomed her at the trailer (See, the trailer doesn't always mean a trip!) and went ahead and just tacked her up. I figured we could lunge in tack and if it was subtle, I may need to hop on to feel if she was sound or not.
So we got up to the arena and sadly, I didn't do pillars as the daylight was fading fast. But we lunged. She trotted a few circles both ways and was reaching down with her nose, so.. yay pillars! She looked pretty sound actually. I couldn't really tell if I was imagining anything or not. So... I got on. She was a bit more tense than the last few rides (not counting the ashland one) but settled fairly well. We did our walking and she's really getting the hang of the leg aids now and the rein aids. Then we trotted and she felt sound!!! WHOOO HOOOOO!!! She was a bit quicker again and not quite as relaxed about yielding her barrel, but she got better quick. And she even started to drop her head and neck and get soft and almost reached for the contact a few times. Whoo hooo!! Progress, baby girl, progress! Then I got greedy and tried for the left lead canter. We had to do a tight circle as she was leaning but she got it. We still ran into it, but... at least we got it. And she was quick but not terribly. We came down to the trot and she was definitely quicker than before so we did our serpentines and she settled a bit. Then we went to the right and she picked it right up and wasn't too rushed. Then we came down to the trot again and she was definitely still quick. I tried for a bit but eventually we just walked for a minute and then picked the trot back up and she was much quieter and more chill. We got a nice relaxed trot with a long neck both ways and called it quits! Good girl! I didn't want to do too much in case she was still a little sore and just hiding it with the bute (but seriously though.. the bute was probably likely gone at that point).
Yay! I'll give her one more dose tonight since I rode and then take her off it tomorrow and recheck her on Monday for our lesson Tuesday. :)
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