Confidence Boosters
Lyric was my first victim today. I gave her a pep talk as we headed to the arena. I told her that she was a strong confident lady and needed to trust herself and me. And that while I understand that I was also neurotic, she was stuck with me and we would have to ignore each others neurosis's. I also told her that she needed to embrace some changes. But she should also know that there were a few definite no changes. She was stuck with me. I wouldn't sell her. And that Fleck, Funny, and Dan were also stuck with me. We may all go places and stay overnight or even for a few days, but we would always come back. And that shoudl give her confidence to embrace some changes... go with the flow.
So we walked around the perimeter of the farm and went up the hill. Then I decided... let's lunge in the pasture instead. It's dusty. We're bored. It's so repetitive. And... we've been doing this for 4 or 5 weeks now... And, it would be good for her core and muscles to go up and down some hills. So we gave it a shot. She started out fine at the walk but then pretty quickly bolted into a squirty canter and rip roared around for about 10 laps. I managed to finally get her to trot and she was animated and hollow. But then she settled into a fairly decent trot for the last 2 of her 5 minutes. Then when we went the harder way, she kept it at a nice slow jog. The second 5 minute circles were a bit better. Tracking right she still wants to brace more. But overall, I was quite pleased with her balance and tempo. She does look better overall from a few weeks ago. So I do think her injections helped. Good girl! Brave girl! And that deserves cookies.
So then we walked a bit more and then I turned her back out. She walked over to drink and then when I was catching Funny I noticed that she was standing weird. She had her left hind leg propped on the rim of the waterer. And she stood that way for a good 3 minutes or so. Interesting...
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