Interesting.... and Weird
Today was a lovely day! Windy... and got to be a lot chilly but beautiful! After I rode Funny I came home and decided to try lunging Lyric again. Her leg is still puffy but not as bad and I thought maybe it would help decrease the swelling if she moved around more. ??? ha! Maybe...
We warmed up at the walk and did our leg yields in hand and our pillar work. Then I pulled her blanket off and we did our trot. Ugh.. The first 5 minutes both ways was pretty bad. She was head bobbing again... this time I think on the left (which is the puffy leg). And she even snaked her head at me a bit. Which... maybe was sass, but maybe was "this hurts don't make me"... but she's been as lame before and never did that, so.. ?? After a few laps that went away though.
I almost didn't lunge her after the first 5 minute lap but I let her walk a good bit between her trot circle and then we went the other way to assess. And.. it started to get better. And then... she was licking and chewing and got a soft happy look in her eye and was stretching down better. There wasn't any pain behaviors/expressions... no wrinkled nostrils.. no pinned ears.. no tail swishing... soft eye. So... it's just bizarre. I honestly don't know what is wrong but I'm hoping that maybe her hind end is feeling better and that the front end is related to the puffy leg and still the shoulder girdle stuff from the saddle. She did seem less toe draggy behind, although the left hind is still doing it. I'm also worried that maybe I've trained her to lunge anyways because she gets cookies... and she really is a pleaser and a tryer... Ugh. I hope she's not screaming internally but because she's a good girl, she's going. I'm anxious to get her to Dr. DeClue to see what she says.
We did manage to get a longer set of trot in the last 5 minutes both ways and she kept herself going on her own mostly too. Then we cooled off and she got a few more cookies. She drank from the puddles... and stuck out her tongue. Yep.. she's fitting in juuuuuuust fine. :)
I did give her a big hug and told her I loved her and was proud of her and missed riding her and that we were going to get her fixed so we could get back to playing!
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