Still lame... and saddle checks

I really should learn to listen to Lyric when she doesn't want to get caught. I went to fetch her for my lesson and... she went to running. She was silly... levitating.. doing her kapow moves. If fact, I just stopped and watch and told her she was being silly and she might fall and hurt herself.. and not 4 seconds later... splat! Her hind end wiped out and she fell flat on her side! Doh. She got up and was fine and carried on with her antics. After about 5 minutes she had enough and walked up to me. Good girl!

So, we got to Ashland and when I tacked up, she actually tried to bite me. So again... LISTEN TO LYRIC! Sigh.. I got tacked up and then, because we were running short on time and I hadn't ridden in awhile and all of life's craziness, I forgot to lunge her. And.. it did not bode well. We hacked up to the jump arena where we met Laura and Julia. And we started to warm up. And... she was lame as all get out. Like... worse than even before. Sigh... Jacel watched and said that she still thought it was up high... like shoulder. She told me to get off and slide my saddle back... like way back. It does tend to creep forward. So I did. Still lame. And she was so fussy in the bridle too. So then I hopped off and put Laura's saddle on her. That flap is less forward, but she was still super unhappy. Sigh... so then I got on bareback. She didn't want to go and she's so bony! But I did get a few steps of trot and she still felt icky. Sigh... So then I just gave up. I was going to walk her back to the trailer and carry her saddle but then I thought.... maybe it's worth getting a video so I can take it to the vet conference and show Dr. DeClue and make sure I'm right. So I tacked her back up and got on so Laura could film. And darn if she didn't feel way better. She still wasn't right... and clearly still not happy, but she was not nearly as lame as when I first got on. 


So we headed home and it turned out that our timing was pretty good because the saddle fitter (Yet another one) was able to come out that evening. I was able to get them fed first, which was nice and she showed up. So... I pulled Lyric out and she had already checked Kelli's saddle so she knew the whole story. She looked at the Ryder on Lyric and was like "Nope... this won't do... not at all... I would NOT put this back on this horse". Sigh... and this is supposedly fixed. :( So then we put the PH jump saddle on her and she was like... "oh no.. this is no good either" and showed me how it was rocking badly. Sigh... So then I asked her to check my other saddles... we put the PH dressage on her and she said that she liked that way better than the Ryder and it was worth trying and seeing what she thought. And then I put Funny's jump saddle on her and she said that with front shims, she would much prefer that one to the PH jump. Okay... so, maybe we have options. She rode in the PH dressage for awhile and seemed okay in it. 

So then I decided to have her look at Funny's saddle on Funny and to see if she thought the Ryder would work for Funny. She liked the Loxley on her and did say that perhaps I could go down one more gullet plate, which would help Lyric even more too. And then we put the Ryder on her and she said.. it might just work, but to give it a try and see. So.. maybe, just maybe it'll all work out again?? 




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