
Showing posts from January, 2025

oh... Naughty!!!

  Except... kind within it. ;)    I had to work a half day today to make up for the first snow day. Which sucks because it's gorgeous weather and I really wanted to ride. And I could have... except I really wanted to get Dan and Lyric injected. I'm ready to get back to riding Lyric! Which means she has to get injected, so she can get rehabbed, so we can ride! So when I got home at 2ish, I figured I would inject them and then hopefully ride Funny after. I started with Dan and got him done and then it was Lyrics turn. She let me clean her and scrub her and she sat happily in the wash rack for 15 minutes while she "sterilized". Then I sedated her and did her alchohol rinse and got the last little bit ready. She was pretty schnockered... snoring, ears flopping, head hanging... so I went to start. And she said NOPE! She bucked! And then her tail started whipping. Sigh... so I had to unglove and get a new needle.. alchohol her back again... tie her tail.. top her off with d...

More Snow!

  We're all a little bored!! Lyric has had quite a bit of time off these last few months and then more recently again. And I was gone and in class, so while it was fascinating, I was sitting. And now ... another snow day. And icy snow too. We're all BORED! 

Still lame... and saddle checks

I really should learn to listen to Lyric when she doesn't want to get caught. I went to fetch her for my lesson and... she went to running. She was silly... levitating.. doing her kapow moves. If fact, I just stopped and watch and told her she was being silly and she might fall and hurt herself.. and not 4 seconds later... splat! Her hind end wiped out and she fell flat on her side! Doh. She got up and was fine and carried on with her antics. After about 5 minutes she had enough and walked up to me. Good girl!   So, we got to Ashland and when I tacked up, she actually tried to bite me. So again... LISTEN TO LYRIC! Sigh.. I got tacked up and then, because we were running short on time and I hadn't ridden in awhile and all of life's craziness, I forgot to lunge her. And.. it did not bode well. We hacked up to the jump arena where we met Laura and Julia. And we started to warm up. And... she was lame as all get out. Like... worse than even before. Sigh... Jacel watched and sai...

Snowy ride

  Kind of. :) We managed to sneak in a ride on Saturday at home. The arena was covered with snow Friday but by Saturday it was cleared other than a few spots. It was still frozen on the long side closest to the pasture but we stayed off the rail and it was fine. The rest of the arena was just wet and sloppy but ridable! So we rode! Because, I desperately wanted to see if the shockwave helped her soundness.    I tacked her up at the trailer and poor girl was shivering when I first pulled her blanket off! I'm sorry girl! It's not that cold, is it?! I curried her well, tacked up quick, and we headed up to the arena. I did put the mattes fleece half pad on too. We did a brisk walk and I think she warmed up quick. I lunged her before I got on but she looked pretty good honestly, so we didn't lunge very long.    I got on and she felt pretty darn good actually. Like, as good or better than she had the last few rides until the bad ride. So.. interesting. It makes me won...

Snow day!!!

 I know, I know... Lyric is from Kentucky.. I'm sure she's used to it. But we had fun!!  Her favorite move...KAPOW!!