Frustrations and Forests

I met Sharon today at Ashland for a nice hack with her and Baylor. I rode Lyric in her dressage saddle and she still felt sticky and short strided and unwilling to really stride out. And it didn't get much better even after 30 minutes of walking. However, we did trot the gallop trail and that did help. We had a nice ride regardless and enjoyed ourselves.


When we finished the trail ride I took Lyric into the arena because I wanted to practice our test. And she felt pretty awful. She was braced, not lifting her back, sticky and fussy. I had to get after her with the spurs. She's not wanting to bend left and was running into her canters. So, I got frustrated. Which I regret. I did end up taking her to the trailer and putting the jump saddle on her instead and tried again. It was marginally better. She was more forward and I didn't have to get after her every stride. She seemed more willing to lift her back but did go behind the vertical more. Sigh... And especially in the dressage saddle, she felt a bit sticky/lame when I would do a sharper turn to the the right, albeit only the first few strides. Ugh.... 


So I have no idea if it's the saddle?? Or is it something else? I'm struggling because I feel like maybe since she got the dressage saddle she's not been quite as good on the flat. But then when we jump, she's jumping bold and even and brave and she doesn't seem sore or broken. Although even flatting while I warm up in the jump saddle I've noticed she feels.... earthbound. Stabby maybe. We had the one lesson with Jacel and we watched her footfalls behind be wonky but I'm not sure that is related or not? I can't decide if I'm imagining things and paranoid, especially since Kelli got in my brain about her saddle and my saddle being swapped. But, it sort of makes sense.... she was doing well and then I got the dressage saddle and started having struggles again. But also, maybe it is her stifle... 


And of course, I had just signed up to show next weekend.... But I'll put her back on previcox and then maybe just ride in the jump saddle. Or maybe I'll ride in the jump saddle for a few days until the previcox kicks in and then try the dressage saddle again. If she's still feeling icky, maybe it really is the saddle because I would expect the previcox to fix a minor soundness issue. Although I'm not sure that's 100% foolproof. I guess when Kelli gets back and we can get together to ride, I'll try her in Kelli's dressage saddle and see if that makes a difference. Sigh... 



This evening she was snuggly though! Which made me happy as I felt like I was kind of unfair to her today in our ride. And the sunset was spectacular!!! She was not posing very well so I didn't get a lot of photos of her with it. 




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