Fancy Pants

 So I really do think she feels better with her high heels! She's not as reactive in her rump when I brush her and she felt pretty good today! We rode at home and had a good ride. We just dressaged and worked on even contact, going into the outside rein, staying soft in your body and barrel, and not being a slug. She's definitely not as lazy as she had been. Maybe it really was the muscle relaxers?? 


We played with the left lead canter depart as it's a bit sluggish. I'm sure it's me, but I had to work on myself too. We also played with a tiny baby counter canter to help strengthen her. We played with a tiny baby lengthen at the trot and a little bit of leg yielding at the trot. 

Then when we were done we hacked home in the pasture and we trotted over the little log. Then we did the medium one! Which is not that big but it also had a "tree" sprouting out from the middle of it. And she jumped it! Good girl!



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