Best Girl

 Literally... she was the best girl today! Funny was kind of awful! Ha ha!


I rode Lyric at home and she was so good. She was even brave up there all by herself because it's so hot and the horses have puffed up with their winter coats coming in that they all hung out in the stalls while we rode. There was a nice breeze at least. 


We hacked up to the arena via the driveway and she let me get in and out through the gate without getting off. We had a great ride. She stayed mostly soft and in the outside rein. She was softer in her barrel today. And we worked a little bit on trot walk trot transitions to help strengthen her hiney. We trotted the poles a few times too. And we played with the canter shallow serpentine again and even did a few 15 and 12 meter canter circles. 

Overall just a really nice ride! So then we hacked to the lake and back. She was definitely slower getting to the lake than coming home but she stayed mostly chill and calm and straight! Huge improvements from the last time.  

Good pony! And then she got a rinse too. It was hot enough she let me spray her whole face. :)




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