Vet Day
Lyric is such a good girl!
And a weirdo! Hee hee. She's become one of us!!
So.. yesterday when she was in for dinner she was stomping her foot. Her bellboot looked like it was maybe stuck up on her fetlock some so I went to pull it down and it wouldn't budge. Somehow the girl had gotten a pinecone wedged between her shoe and the bellboot! Girl!!? What on earth!? And like.... the pine cones are WAY up by the arena... I don't think we have any anywhere else. So the poor girl carried it the whole way down to the barn. Doh! I relieved her and she was like "thanks mum". Gracious! Also... I was tempted to try to ride her last night... just to see how lame she was. Because she looked pretty good on the lunge. It was soooo hot though. So hot. After I fed them I went in and ate myself and went back out. It was getting close to being dark, but.. maybe it'll be cooler! Except when I went to get her she was literally soaked in sweat. I don't know if the horse flies were bothering them and they were worked up or it was just that hot and humid. I debated and almost tacked her up but then I noticed a hind shoe was hanging on by only two nails. And I really wanted to have a true assessment of her soundness for her vetting today, so... I just hosed her off and turned her out. Of course that attracted more horse flies. Ugh. Sorry girl! They are BAD right now!!
So today was vet day. I did some groundwork with Dan and then brought them all in and hosed them all off and let them dry in their stalls with some hay. We started with Lyric, before she could pull her shoe off! She was such a good girl. She walked out to the culdesac and trotted. We did flexions and really.. other than her right hock being a 1 or 2 after flexion...she really was good. But on palpation she was still really sore over her SI joints. And Dr. Barrow mentioned she didn't like the way she tracked behind. But that it was likely her normal. We watched her lunge and she was a bit stupid in the canters. She kept bucking and squirting off. Dr. Barrow saw nothing in the front end and said that perhaps she would inject her SI joints. Okay.. fair. Although I did mention I sort of hated to be injecting her at only 5 years old, but... also I wondered how much was related to other things and while I didn't want to jump to injecting her, I also didn't want her to be sore and uncomfortable and perhaps if we just put out the fire, we could get her back on track and not have to do it again. So then we brought her in and did her yearly foot films. And gahhhh... they are bad. I knew she was going to be negative but I didn't realize that negative. Like 5 degrees negative!!! She's been so sore in her hind end... So we talked about how Dr. Barrow doesn't like wedging... but perhaps a frog support pad with a slight wedge. (Which is sort of what I had meant... because also.. caudal support). She's still thin soled but had more sole in her toe, so we decided that we would start with a frog support pad (with maybe a hair of a wedge but we'd be wedging the whole hind foot not just the wall) and trimming her sole at the toe to get her better. And then because she would have that, she would hopefully have caudal support and also grow more sole and more heel. And then we talked about how since her feet angles were soooo bad, that perhaps the SI joint was secondary to that. And perhaps we could just do bute, robaxin, and change her feet.... shockwave her SI in the meantime... and then maybe we don't have to inject her SI joints. So... we opted for that plan. Poor girl. I'm sorry I've been too poor to x-ray you any sooner!
So.... she started bute and robaxin tonight... And I shockwaved her SI joints tonight. She got some good releases and was a chill calm girl. And then we had a rainbow! No rain... tons of thunder rumbles, but sadly the rain missed us. But yay for the rainbow. Thanks God! Hopefully she will be okay for some lighter rides until Patrick does her feet next week. I still really want to take her to Poplar in 2.5 weeks!
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