So much better!
So... I need to remind myself that two nights ago I sat outside on the driveway watching the sky and fairly quickly after I got out there I saw 3 shooting stars in a matter of 15 seconds. I like to think that it was God's way of telling me that my three kids were gonna be okay. I had a moment of panic about Flecky... show me a 4th shooting star please God, but... I think because I was most worried about the "girls"... He sent me the 3. I know that Fleck is getting older and struggling more, but, despite his abscess and maybe his tooth issue, I don't think I'm worried about him at the moment. Anyways....
I rode Lyric first this morning because it was actually fairly pleasant out and I thought she might be happier going earlier rather than waiting til it got hotter. She had already walked to the arena edge to graze so I had a long hike to catch her. And she almost walked away from me but she didn't. She did try to change her mind when I brought the halter up, but she let me hold her without trying too hard. Of course she still got hot and sweaty but it was better than it could have been.
She was a really good girl and Thank you God for healing her. She was 98% sound today! I noticed a few bad steps on the tighter left turns but it was only a few and not consistent and the rest of the time she felt good! Yay! Phew! We worked on the basics and had a good ride. She was quite soft and round today and we got some good bend too. I'm getting better and automatically posting to the right and opening my right rein to allow her right shoulder a place to go. This helps straighten her. No matter which way we are tracking, my left hand needs to be at the wither, and my right hand needs to be open off the shoulder. We also worked on leg yielding and had some good ones. We played with transitions and I'm definitely overthinking the left lead canter. When I don't think about it or "prep" myself too much, she picks it up. But when I try too hard, I throw her off and she gets the right lead. We even practiced with it on the straight line. I definitely have to do a little inside flexion for her to get the left lead though. But it works.
We also practiced standing still at the gate when I'm trying to open it. Not her favorite. Then we did the little hill a few times next to the arena and then hacked home in the pasture. I definitely need to figure out a way to get her fitter. Fair... she had a bunch of time off... I'm trying to work three horses, work full time, keep a farm running, and entertain the husband. And blog. And do my acupuncture course. And do the house chores. So... fair enough that she's not getting hacked every ride. But I do need to make it a priority to start doing some fitness rides with her. I might have to start taking two trips to Ashland some days.
She got a nice rinse and got turned back out to enjoy her day. Oh, and yesterday I managed to get home from work fairly early so I opted to adjust her as she was way overdo. And man did she need it. That hind end of hers was so tight. I need to remember to ask Patrick about whether or not wedges for her would be helpful. Maybe I'll just try to get rads again before the next cycle. Because I also did her mane and tail and polished her hooves so while I was doing her hair, I put her on the wedge sure foot pads and she was happy and releasing. She also really enjoyed her adjustment too, so... yay.
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