Lunge Day

 Oh I need to do this more often! I think that's part of my new plan. Lunging each horse once a week. I think it was so good for Lyric and it takes some pressure off me. 

I did end up putting the equicore band on her although, like with Dan, it slides up her butt cheeks instead of staying down at the "panty line". Which, I'm not sure how it's supposed to work. Guess I need to investigate. Maybe that's the correct way. Ha! (shame on me!).

Anyways... we only did 20 minutes because we did have the equicore band on, but she was great. She started off not tracking up but after a little bit she was. And we got some nice reaching and stretching. She even licked and chewed some. And the canter wasn't wild. It was quick.. but she settled. So yay! 

Success! I'll definitely add this in to help encourage her to let go of her back. Oh, and.. she was sound today considering she rubbed a giant raw spot on her fetlock. I'm not sure if she was scratching her butt on the feed bucket and knocked it down and it got caught on her foot or if she just kicked herself again during shenanigans?? It looked more like a raw rope burn type though. I've been medicating it but figured it was another good reason to give her a lunge day.

No photos from the lunging because.. I forgot. But later today I dug a hole by the round pen and added concrete to it so I could bury my post for my birdhouse. And they were all so nosy and came up to investigate. Then later they ran around a bit and then were on high alert from Jean's horses.



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