Back to normal and awesome

Poor Lyric. She had another early morning ride and lesson. But I think she had fun! We did a XC lesson this morning with Jacel. We rode with Annabelle and Yeti and Lyric must not be in raging heat anymore because she was back to her normal self. She did say hi to Yeti and then later Bug (Courtneys other horse). She even nibbled Bug's nose. Hee hee. We walked around the cross country field and did some hills to warm up. Then we went right to work because Jacel thought we had warmed up already, but I guess technically we were. We started off with trotting some fences and then moved on up from there. We had so much fun today! Lyric was MUCH more rideable and not silly. And she's getting so brave. We had two stops but they were totally me riding backwards. When I stayed in a heavy 3 point and kept my shoulders up, she went. Even when I didn't send her... she went. She sometimes took an extra second to process and added but she never stopped or even hesitated. She just... somet...