Let's go Mom

 Today I was able to take Lyric up to the arena for some ground work. We did a good bit of pillar work and she was good. Then we walked over the poles. I was just starting to get bored and I guess she was too. She picked up the trot and was trotting around so I was like "okay" and let her lunge herself some. I just had the leadrope but I was walking with her so her circles weren't too small. Then I figured I'd send her over the poles and she did great. A few times she panicked and got squirrely with her feet - baby girl... you've got to learn where your feet are!. But she mostly trotted through. She actually looked pretty happy and comfy, though maybe she's still dragging her toes a little. We trotted a fair amount both ways and then I called it quits. 

We took our cool down walk through the pasture and did the hills there (the little tiny hills but still). She was a good girl. Hopefully we can get back to work soon!




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