dressage lesson

 in the jump saddle

too hot to ride after the show yesterday

lesson at the covered today. yay

So proud.... Red Fraggle loaded right up... it's been like... 2 plus months! Then hacked politely and bravely by herself from trailer parking to covered. had a great lesson

send her forward... her tempo gets a hair slower and while it's not that much slower.. you can feel the loss of impulsion and engagement. When I cluck and she picks it up, she gets more energetic and round and lifts her back. :) 

ride the shoulders... she has "Left shoulderitis" and is always dumping on that.. hence the heavy on the left rein. So ride with my hands to the right. But don't drop the rein... keep the connection. Give her someplace to move her right shoulder but she has to have connection to know to go there. 

played with trot to halt to walk to trot. encouraging straightness and engagement. 

a few funky steps but felt more like weakness and crookedness vs lameness, but will keep an eye on it.

plan to not canter for two weeks (unless she offers it to avoid trotting nicely) to help build up her butt and hind end. 

hacked back but too buggy to go for a trail ride so headed home. miserably hot too.


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