Waaaaahhhhhhhh :( Just when she was getting FUN! Kelli and I had scheduled a vet visit with Dr. Marquez for Dan and Marvin. I decided to have him look at Lyric too as I was worried she was still having some issues. She's been fussier lately again and losing her hind end on occasion. Nothing major, but... she's also never had a real true lameness evaluation done. So.. why not!? I'm really glad I did. The horses were in all day because it was an all day affair. And Marvin was here too, so that added a little bit to her stress. Maybe stress isn't the right word, but her routine was definitely off! And that makes her nervous. We did Marvin's vet visit first, then Dan, and then it was Lyrics turn. Dr. Marquez started off with a physical exam and palpating her. He noted how knock kneed she was. I know... I know. Basically he found that she was super sore in her pelvis at the tuber sacrales. And then he found stifle effusion. She was also a bit reactive in her suspensori...
Well... we did it! We got to another horse show. And despite the weather, we actually finished! As opposed to not even starting last time we were at Poplar. (that was the show that we went to warm up for it and she was practically 3 legged lame. She ended up having a pebble stuck in her shoe, but then was still lame... and it was raining... and I had that horrible eye ulcer, so we just went home the next morning). I was smart and had taken the Friday off so we got to go school and have fun. I rode Dan Friday morning before we left as I had spent a good chunk of Thursday packing and prepping. I gave Lyric a bath since I had warm water, although she wasn't that dirty. Then I loaded her up and we headed out. We made good time and despite the forecast predicting rain ALL day Friday, we got lucky. No rain other than a little bit of drizzle here and there on the way there. We got unloaded and set up and parked and still no rain. And.. it's kind of nice. I can leave a stall chain ...
Today was supposed to be XC schooling in Aiken but the other 9 riders bailed, so... Jacel opted to just school XC at Ashland. Which, with this heat and humidity, probably a better call than hauling for 4 hours. And it worked out well because I ended up getting someone to come spray my pastures for army worms today vs Mon or Tues, so.. hopefully this will save my pastures! Especially since it was not cheap. Sigh. But because I was at Ashland I was able to meet him and lock ponies up while he sprayed. So, we met up and rode with Julia and Laura. Yay! I hadn't ridden with Laura in eons it felt like. And we rode at 10, so... still hot but maybe not as humid? I don't know... regardless we were all literally dripping sweat and puffing. Laura couldn't even wear her glasses they kept fogging up and then she said "I think even my eyeballs are fogging up". Hee hee. It was bad. But like... it's been bad. I'm so over it. And now I've got a migraine from it. I...
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