Back to Work

 Lesson day with Jacel! I love her. We had scheduled a lesson at 5 pm at Ashland but because of the rain last night, the arenas were closed. So... I told her that I would love for her to come here if she didn't mind, especially considering Jean wanted a lesson for her intern too. So.. she did! Jean ended up not replying to the text so it was just me, so she said she could teach me on two. I was tempted to ask her if I could do all 3, but I was tired and I didn't want to abuse her niceness. :) 

I was torn on which horse to do first because Dan was FILTHY but not as tricky to catch sometimes. But, since he was so bad, I did him first. Of course Lyric ended up rolling in the wet mud during my lesson on him. The peanut gallery was in full force. They were all being silly and messing with each other while I was trying to ride. But anyways... I had my extra halter handy so I had Jacel catch Lyric while I got off Dan and then I untacked Dan and put the tack on her. I basically just wiped away the mud where the saddle went. Doh! I didn't want Jacel to have to wait though. She was fine. 

We started with the walk and we worked on adjustability. Jacel said that while her walk was fine... it wasn't impressive. So we did a small collected walk. Except it's not truly collected because I didn't have much contact. I wasn't pulling her into a smaller walk, I was using my seat and core and closing my fingers on the reins to get her to shorten her step. Like in our last lesson... shortening her step to help her balance herself. And lo and behold, she got softer in the bridle and started to step up and under and lift her back. And then she started to seek the bit. Yay! So then we went to a big walk! Hooker hips! Ha ha. Swing those hips.. but not just front and back... side to side a little. And send her.. get her marching! She got scrambly at first... but then she settled. But I have to remember that it may take her a minute to settle.. not just 22 seconds. So give it time. Don't give up. We did a bunch of transitions within the gait and within a few times, she was figuring it out!! She was shortening and lengthening her step just based on my seat and weight aids. It was cool! And she was getting more balanced and softer in her topline. So cool! 

We moved up to the trot and it was the same thing. Tracking left is still harder for her, but we just stuck to the plan and she settled into that too! I did have to occasionally half halt and tickle her with my inside leg and even occasionally, ask her to flex her nose to the inside, but.. we did manage to get some nice work. She also reached down and wanted to stretch some too! Which is great. But I have to be careful that she doesn't get rude about it and start to use it as an excuse to avoid work. 

And then, onto the canter. And wow! She really was getting the hang of it and shortening up with just my seat and closing of the fingers. And the canter felt so balanced!!! Even the big canter felt balanced and not scary or out of control. NEAT! After the first canter she got a little quick again and I had to actually do some half halting with the reins to keep her small in the trot, but..we did. And then she'd get quick because she anticipated so... we just sat in the slow trot and waited until she took a breath... waited a little more.. and then cantered again. And then our transitions within the gait again. 


She was so good! It's so neat to be working on getting her to balance herself, so that she trusts herself and gains confidence. And how cool that she's now adjustable! She never used to be adjustable! That canter is going to be much more fun to jump out of! Good girl! That was hard work for us both, but so helpful. 

So that's our homework. We installed A.... and then B... and now this is C. But I can't forget A and B. And we'll have to work at C for a bit to make sure it's truly learned. Eventually we'll get her "in the bridle" but for now... she's using herself better and balancing herself and gaining confidence and with time (and even now) she'll seek the bit and put herself into the correct "frame" or contact. 

I hacked her home and turned them out in the big field for a little bit of snacking before dinner. 


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