Dressage Day

 Poor girl! Back to work. She deserved a day off after yesterday BUT.... I can't ride tomorrow and it's supposed to rain Tuesday, so... sorry kiddo! But at least we stayed home and just did dressage today. Ha. "Just"... I think she would have rather jumped again. But she was a good girl. 


It was a bit brisk today but the sun was out. We walked up to the arena and did some pillar work. I forgot about lunging first, so I just got on. We had a pretty good ride in the beginning. There were a lot of good moments and she was pretty forward. We got some nice connection that was from her seeking it!!!! Short, but sweet. I was trying hard to ride the body and not the head. And I worked on trying to keep my body where it needed to be. And it worked... I had to resort to my hands a few times, but we had lots of good moments. But then once we cantered she got a little squirrely. And then I got a bit more handsy. Sigh. We managed to do some transitions and then back to trot. She got quick and runny a few times so I had to halt her twice even. But then we managed to get some nice moments and even finished with a lovely bend to the left, which is the hard way! 

We hacked back via Jean's driveway but I didn't make her go around the neighborhood. Not today anyways. 


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