Dressage Lesson with Jacel

 Got there early and did hills, walked banks, ditches and water banks. walked a few logs (got stressed and trotted some).  Also trotted in water complex

Then started lesson in jump arena over a grid... figure 8 s curve poles in a circle. Jacel complimented me on how I was a good dressage rider and she was jealous. It came "naturally to me". Awww... that made my day! Lyric did awesome at the walk. Ride the outside rein and inside leg.  Then trotted and her stifle got stuck. Jacel agreed it was stuck stifle not her kicking herself. Said her biceps femoris muscle looked tighter on the left. opted to avoid the poles since it seemed to aggravate it and headed to dressage arena. 

worked on putting my body in place to get her to come into the right shape. It works! She puts herself into a nice soft connection without me having to touch her face. Turn my shoulders to the inside and my hips to the inside. Post to the inside. Ride inside leg to push her barrel out to stretch the outside of her barrel. and just wait.. it'll happen. Don't perch or tip. Sit on my seatbones and by sitting deep and upright it allows her shoulders and thoracic sling to lift. 

then worked on trot to walk to trot.. to almost walk to trot. Engaged the hind end and kept her working and sitting. she got "bottomed out" a few times in her stifles but never hung up.. because she didn't get so far out behind. And it helped her left her lower back and tail and move through her back. then went to canter and did canter to trot to canters. 

Great exercises for her! Lovely canters. Keep it short and productive... strength training! 

missed the sunset cause we were talking. oops. :( oh well. It was getting cold too. 

Will get a vet appt set up but started her on robaxin tonight to see if it helps. Will also adjust her too. 


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