Fancy to Feral

Well, I got bored. Since I'm giving Lyric's stifles time to get unsticky while she grows, and Dan's been lame... and the weather sucks... no riding. BUT.. the weather didn't suck today. It was cold, but not bad at all! So... I opted to do a little lunge work and rehab work with Lyric. We walked up to the arena and did our pillar walks. Then we did some lunging. She started out short and mincy and not tracking up at all! Is it because you hurt? You're still stuck? or you are muscle bound? Or... So I decided to ask for a canter to see if that helped. Well, she didn't canter, not at first. But she picked up the pace and actually started trotting like a real horse and she looked so much better. She wasn't tracking up but at least she was only 1 hoof print of less off vs 8 hoofprints off! We did have a canter each way and she hollowed a little so we didn't do it for very long. But she was quite nice in her trot work once I kept her going. After that we di...