SUPAH!! Christmas gift to me

I'm not sure what was in the air but Lyric was feeling FRISKY the other day. She was messing with everyone... Fleck, Funny, Dan. Hee hee. I wondered if she was going to let me catch her. But she did!!! I'm guessing it was the warmer than usual weather with the wind blowing in from the impending rain storm. It felt.... stormy!  



But like I said, she let me catch her and was quite a good girl. She was slightly sweaty when I tacked her up. It was warm but the breeze had a bit of a bite to it. I was wondering how she was going to be undersaddle, but she was good. She was even good walking to the arena. We did our pillar work on the way up there and then I tried to do haunches in in hand, but... that's tricky. I can't quite figure out how to keep the bend and move the haunches, so... we more did a weird leg yield thing. But hey.. moving the hind end is moving the hind end. But I didn't dwell on it because I didn't have a ton of time. 

I got on and we did a bit of walk work including haunches in. She's getting it! Much less explosive about it today though obviously it's still hard to bend around my left leg. But we did manage it for a few steps. And again, without the explosiveness! Yay! I didn't drill it. We got it a few times and she got rewarded and we moved on. She was really good. Very forward but not scary forward. Just... good forward. We worked on transitions today. I practiced slowing my post and she actually slowed her trot down. Granted it's miniscule changes, but still.. she heard me! And there were changes! We did that a good bit both ways and even had a fairly decent baby trot lengthen across the diagonal. I believe it was coming off the right rein. The left rein one was harder... even though in theory we would be straight both ways. We worked on outside rein connection.. me always dropping the inside rein. It's still a work in progress. I still have more weight in the inside rein in general, but at least I've got some contact in the outside rein and in general, we're getting more forward thinking contact and a softer feel. Yay! Finally some progress!! We also did some more changes of directions than usual and I tried to do more transitions in general, rather than endlessly circling in one gait. We played with leg yields. And the leg yielding to the right is getting better. She's not just flying out through the shoulder as much. We cantered earlier in the ride than usual and I tried to canter a bit more than usual. We did quite a few transitions from trot to canter to trot too. Especially on the left lead canter. She's still running into it but we're making a bit more progress. So yep. We finished with some more trot work and she even asked to stretch and we got a lovely energetic stretchy trot where I could feel her power and lifting back! YAY!

We quit with that and walked home. I  was tempted to take her to the lake but decided not to. She was pretty sweaty though! Whoops. I turned her out after a quick rub down but didn't want to hose her as it was close to dark! Well, sort of close. Plus the winds were picking up and the clouds had gotten more ominous. It did end up spritzing a hair while I was dragging the arena. 

I did blow up their jolly ball and toss it out. She was surprisingly brave about it. She went up to it and touched it before the others did. But she did jump when I kicked it. And she didn't really play with it. But brave girl for investigating!


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