Keeping at it

 They all can't be lovely rides right?! Today wasn't bad... it just... wasn't as good as the other day. But, that's okay. We did have some good moments and she was forward. She definitely does not like me waving my hands around... everytime I tried to wipe my nose, she squirted. So of course I had to stop and wave my hands around. That might be partly why our ride wasn't as good. Doh. We had some nice canter departs today and some nice canter to trots. And we had some good moments too! 

Hopefully we'll get to ride Saturday or Sunday or both. She gets her feet done tomorrow and we'll check x-rays again. She still feels like she's falling haunches left, but won't go haunches left for real when bent around my inside leg. And she fell out behind a few times today again. felt like she left a leg in Texas fell out behind. 


But she let me catch her today to pull her blanket and to ride and she didn't run when I went to catch Dan, so.. yay! Also this morning I was wearing my new hat and she was obsessed. She kept sniffing it and nosing it while I was decompressing her hay. Hee hee. Goofy girl! 



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