Good ride at home

We had a decent ride today! She was definitely hotter today. I did have the whip with me but I don't think it was because of the whip. I just think she was more forward today. I didn't really use the whip until later on in the ride. And even then it was more of a suggestion than anything. I mostly wanted to get her used to it. 


We rode our usual rides and then I started to think... she feels so haunches left all the time. Perhaps I should try to focus on haunches right and haunches left, shoulders right and shoulders left, to see if I could get her more maneuverable. So we tried that. Shoulder in was tough but we managed a shoulder fore. Haunches right was pretty doable. (Again, all super subtle). Haunches left was HARD! I could not figure out how to get her to move her barrel off my left leg in order to bend around it and allow the haunches to fall in to the left. She kept wanting to counterbend, and lean. She could sort of do it if she could throw her head to the right.. basically... turn right to put her haunches left. Nope... that's not the point darling. So we kept at it and it got a hair rowdy. Nothing major, just... some heavy discussions and a little drama. I rewarded the slightest attempt and we got a few good attempts and called it quits. Overall though, a pretty decent ride. She was a bit twisted at the poll too today. She's probably due for an adjustment. Ooops! 


After our arena ride we headed for a cool down. I took her to the lake and back. Excecpt that was maybe a not so good choice as she got all nervous and tight and tense in her back. I'm not sure why that is scary but hacking at Ashland by herself isn't quite so bad??? Anyways, once we got to the lake I let her turn around and she settled a bit heading home. 


Earlier today she made a good life choice and let me catch her to take her blanket off! Smart girl!! And then she was a good girl for being caught to ride too. Okay... let's keep this trend up girl!

Goof ball!



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