Pretty Good Ride


Well... that was a pretty decent ride. :) I adjusted her yesterday and massaged her hamstrings. She seemed to really enjoy it. And she felt much looser in the hind end today! At least in the beginning. Towards the end she got a little more tight, but she at least started softer. Go me!  And I put her in the nathe today... the loose ring. I think she did like it better. She seemed a little less fussy and a little more willing to take up an even connection in both reins. Maybe it's cause I was focusing more on that? We worked on just tracking up and riding to the light rein and giving to the heavy rein. I focused more on riding the hind end and body vs her face. But I did insist that she not brace. But I tried to soften as soon as she softened. We'll see how it goes. I hate that I sort of keep changing the rules on her as I can't figure out if I'm doing it right or not. Sigh.. But we had some good moments and very few horrible moments. Then we went on a hack. We managed to make it to the tennis courts! She did NOT want to go near the troll cave by the lake but she did manage to get to the tennis courts without getting too terribly tense. Good girl! 




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