Life Choices

 I think I made the right choice today. Although part of me is still beating myself up for it. We were supposed to have a XC lesson with Aubrey today. I was actually looking forward to it. We haven't done XC since RRP and we haven't had that many rides total to be honest. But, we had a really good jump school the other day and while our dressage rides have been ... not great... I was hoping that my good XC rides on Dan would help carry over. But it rained yesterday... and rained most of the night... and pretty much all morning. And it was chilly. Low 50's which isn't terrible except when it's also damp. And.. it was supposed to rain non-stop all day. So... I was sort of looking forward to a chill day in the house in my pjs. I wanted to catch up on things like cleaning the house, listening to some webinars, laundry, dishes, blogging...  And I figured that riding XC in todays weather would NOT be conducive to a productive and confidence boosting ride. I was sort of hopeful earlier this week that perhaps it would just drizzle a small amount and hold off til after my ride time. But it did not. And while I was prepared to ride in the rain, the closer it got.. the more it felt like a bad idea. Again... how am I supposed to be confident in sending her and not riding backwards when it's all wet and soggy and slippery? And, she hadn't been ridden since Wednesday... and it was chilly. So yeah.. I bailed. Of course I bailed in the morning when it was still raining and by the time I was going to be thinking about getting ready, the rain had stopped. Which made me feel super guilty about not going. Because.... it's not even raining!! But ultimately it wasn't about the rain.. it was about the footing. So, I still agonized about it. Maybe I should have gone.. it would have been good for us. But would it? We're not in any rush... she's only 4.... we aren't aiming for any shows anytime soon... and yesterday morning when I went to get Dan, she trotted off thinking I was going to get her... so yeah.. I'm sure Aubrey thinks I'm a wimp... or maybe she doesn't. But... I feel like that was the better choice for Lyric. And I think Lyric agrees! Ha ha...  She got a spa day instead!

I left them out all day with tons of hay in their stalls. She had her rain sheet with the hood on, so she was dry and fairly comfy. I slept in (as much as they let me) and managed to accomplish a good bit today. I watched the first days worth of webinars from the myofascial seminar I had signed up for. I did laundry and dishes. I swept the house and cleaned the bathroom. And I basically sat on the couch in my pjs all day. Until mid afternoon when I went out and brought Lyric in. I put the bemer on her and did some fascial work with the blade on her neck and hamstrings. I think she liked it, especially the hamstrings. Then I adjusted her. Man her pelvis was crooked! But it straightened up nicely. I was tempted to try the myofascial stuff on her but I felt like I wasn't quite prepared yet for that! Regardless I still got a lot of great releases from her and hopefully she'll feel better. The myofascial stuff is so cool though. I do think some of my struggles with her may be helped when I can help her fascial lines not be so tight. 

So yeah.. no riding... and I'm still feeling slightly guilty about it, but... oh well. We'll ride tomorrow. Not XC. Maybe I can do that Tuesday with Jacel. I am slightly annoyed that I lost my $100 today but... oh well. I do worry that had I gone I would have taken money out her bank instead. 

Her face cracks me up in this one... 



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