Practicing at home

 Got sunday off... walked away from me. Sigh... 

Tuesday morning i set up the arena. I put the grid back up (the one we have to do in show jumping) and then set up the small dressage arena. Then I took dan to the vet and he got his stifle injected so he had to stay in a stall. I put her in next to him as I figured she could use some hay and then I wouldn't have to catch her to ride later. Went to lunch with Mike.

Tacked up at the trailer and then rode in the arena. We walked up to the arena by ourselves as Dan was on stall rest and I had locked Fleck in with him. Funny hung with them instead of coming with us. But Lyric was good. Lunged first... took a few minutes to get her stretching but she did eventually and then stayed stretching, even when we changed directions.

Got on and rode. Meh... not great. Not awful though and we had some good moments. Ran through the nov b test 3 times. First time she wouldn't come back from the canter and was a bit exuberent in all the things. 2nd time was better. 3rd time was actually pretty good. practicing the canter to trot to canter transitions a good bit as we tend to only canter once or twice each way instead of doing transitions. I think it helped. Seemed to settle her too instead of making her anticipatory, which is why i had previously not done it. 

then worked on the reinback. I probably should have worked on this a lot sooner. Thought about jumping the grid again but figured probably shouldn't in the dressage saddle. Fits much better now that it's been narrowed a bit and the squished flocking fluffed back up. 

then went for a short hack. Was going to go to the lake but she was a little fussy and we had been riding an hour so.. we went to the fire hydrant and she was calm so I let her turn around. 


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