Back to the grind

 I love dressage grinding though :) 

Bonus ride today because of Memorial Day. I had booked the day off. And am so thankful and grateful for all of those who served to give me the freedom to live this life I love. 

I rode Lyric at home first. We walked up to the arena and did a tiny bit of pillar work and then I got on. No lunging today. I honestly just forgot about it. We did our "relationship to contact" work at the halt and then the walk. She's really figuring it out in the walk. Then we trotted. Yeahhhhh... not so much at the trot. But we kept at it. She got quick, but we managed to do a fair amount of our homework. There were some good moments! We also got two nice canters. For some reason she is less inverted in the canter. Then we did a walk break and then did some more trotting and ended with a fairly nice trot. Then we got an awesome walk both ways, with her actually going into the outside rein connection! Yay!

We hacked back down to the house and then she got untacked and a quick rinse. Tomorrow she gets her feet done and will likely get the day off. Then Thursday Kelly lessons again! I did find my other bit so I'll try her in that one and see if she likes it better than the fager. 


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