More lunging... and cute photos

 Honestly, with having 3 pony blogs now, I can't remember if I posted the fun photos or not. So sorry if it's a repeat!

Today was a gorgeous day despite it raining hard all night and in the early morning. I had a lesson with Dan and was hoping to come back and ride but ended up cleaning the house and hanging with Mike. I probably could have snuck one in this early evening but decided not to. Mostly just because I was trying to be a good wife and I think I'll get ample opportunities this week. And honestly, not because the winds were howling. I don't think Lyric would have cared. But it was quite gusty! 


But, I did lunge her. Because... she needs it. I think it's going to be a very helpful tool in building up her topline and muscling and teaching her how to soften and relax. And she's getting it!! Today I put her in the roundpen and she just went into a nice lovely trot all soft and relaxed in her topline and neck. Her jugular pulse was even pulsing away. And she went there pretty quickly and it didn't require me having to do much of anything other than ask her to lunge. And she could hold it. And she enjoyed it. We did some pillar 3 before we changed directions and then we went the other way. And same thing... she immediately went into a nice forward, down and out stretch and was like a metronome. Actually.. she zenned out hard core because after about 15 laps I asked her to walk and she just kept trotting... and kept trotting... and kept trotting. hee hee. I did finally ask her to canter to break the trance and she definitely does NOT know how to hold herself like that in the canter. But that's okay. Baby steps. She came back down to a trot and then went back up into the canter a few times, but she eventually stayed in the trot. And while she was a bit rushed at first, she settled into a nice trot pretty quickly again. After another few laps we went back the other direction again and got a nice trot. And then we cantered that way. Again, not a soft happy canter, but.. we'll get there. And she did come back to a nice soft trot quicker so yay! We stayed in the nice trot for a bit and then we called it quits. Good girl!!!

She and Funny are in heat and have been loving on each other. They are such sweet girls when they are in heat! 


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