Gorgeous Day, Good Ride, and some trailer training

 Today was a beautiful day! Especially after the last two days. The sun came out and the sky was full of pretty clouds. I had breakfast with Mike (and a nice bike ride on the way there) and then I decided to work ponies. I did Dan first and then it was Lyrics turn. 

I decided to groom her at the trailer and then tacked her up in the barn. I did her shoulder manipulation to help unstick her stuck scapulas (open her wings!) and then I put the PH saddle on her to try it out on her. It seems to fit her a little better than Dan. Although I felt more sore in it riding her for some reason. Maybe I needed to shorten my stirrups cause she's narrower? Maybe cause I have to use more leg and core. ?? But anyways, we liked it. We had a good ride!! I kept it very simple and calm. The whole goal was to avoid the running and the spinning. We still followed our nose (paying close attention to keeping her head straight though between her shoulder blades) and keeping our balance. We did a little bit of the flexion zigzagging and some of the shallow serpentines. But it worked. She wasn't as soft/balanced/reaching for the bit as she was in our lesson, but it was a calmer ride. No spinning! And we did get some nice work. We opted to not canter today. :) 

Then we went for a hack in the pasture. But... then the XC jump was calling my name. So we trotted over it. Or attempted to. Ha! The first 4 times she went around it. I finally got her over it and then she realized and did okay. She was a little awkward, but it's okay. It probably wasn't a fair ask. So then we had a little canter in the field. It was so polite. :) 

Then she got a rinse and turned out. And then I hooked the trailer up and went and got her for some lunch. But... sigh. Nope. She managed to get on the trailer multiple times but never stayed longer than one bite. Then she wouldn't get on. I finally dropped the right butt bar and slid the divider over and got her on and she took her one bite and backed off and I quit on that. Sigh... I feel like I need a new plan. Maybe I'll have to go back to my one step at a time clicker training plan. And maybe add a reverse button and a go forward please button. 


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