Ride 17

Today was a nice day. The sun came out and it wasn't too windy or chilly. I fed ponies and then after they ate and I ate and did some house chores, I went to pull blankets. It was still a hair chilly, so I left Lyrics on and tried to load her for "brunch". She was not having it this morning. She got both front feet on and was trying to pull the feed pan closer with her lip. At least she's smart. We spent about 30 minutes but she just wouldn't quite come all the way in, so she only ate about half of her brunch. I picked a time and then backed her off and turned her back out. Sorry.. you don't come in the traiiler, you don't get second breakfast!


So then I did a few things and then grabbed her again. We groomed at the trailer and I tacked her up. I decided to hand walk her up to the arena via Jean's driveway today. Just.. because. And she was good. She was mostly chill the whole way. Once we got to the arena we did our two plus laps of pillar work. Then I lunged her and we got some pretty decent lunging. She is getting much more willing to stretch forward, down and out. We did about 15 minutes and then I got on. I had her in the hidalgo cavesson so I just added teh reins. I almost think she likes this bit better than Dan's new bit. We warmed up in the walk and did our routine. Then we trotted. And she was a pocket rocket again! Which... is fine. I mean.. it's kind of what I wanted. But it's different for her. She even broke into the canter on her own again. Right lead.. but we were also going right. I let her canter it out for a bit and she settled. So then she finally settled at the trot. We didn't get forward, down and out, but we got... not inverted. And maybe a tiny bit of level with the withers. So then I tried just riding her on the buckle. It kind of worked. She still didn't really stretch down though. But we maybe got a teeny hint of it, so she got praised and I called it quits. 


Except not really. Ha! I made her do the gate and then we rode down Jean's driveway. We didn't go into the field today because her dog was in the pasture and I think he likes to chase the horses like Emma does. So we went to the culdesac and then down to the stop sign. She was braver today so then we even ventured down the road a tiny ways. Just a tiny bit. Because Fleck saw us and called and then she got nervous. But she walked without jigging back, so we'll call that a win.


After I untacked her, I gave her the option of getting back into the trailer for the rest of her lunch and she took it. She walked right up more or less. So... who knows?! We'll keep at it and see what happens with it. 


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