Aha moments!

 Today was a good day. It didn't rain! The sun even came out! I cleaned out the tack room (mid tack) part of my trailer so that I could drop the ramp on the side and lead Lyric all the way through. Maybe she won't be as claustrophobic?? I don't know. I'm not sure it did any good. We tried and she was not any better today and maybe even a bit worse again. She did get her front feet on the side ramp but we didn't get any farther than that and I only got her with all four feet in from the back twice and she immediately retreated after one bite of food. Sigh. And then Kelli got here to ride. 


Of course right then was when the insurance company chose to call me back. Despite me calling multiple times all morning. BUT... despite the ridiculousness, it sounds like my migraine preventative will be covered. Phew! I've been miserable the last few days with non-stop headaches and migraines every night. So poor Kelli showed up and I was on the phone until we were all tacked up. 


We got up to the arena and Jeans' horses all came galloping up to the fence. Poor Marvin. Lyric didn't care because she's used to it, but Marvin was a little on edge. I opted to not lunge today because Lexi was coming to work on Dan this afternoon so I was running a little short on time. But we did our pillar walks for a few minutes and then I got on. She walked well and is starting to really get the hang of the connection. Much less fussiness today. We trotted too and again... she seems to be getting so much better! She seemed more connected -although I'm still on the softest of connections. It's probably not even a real connection... BUT... I'm okay with that. Because she is NOT bracing. And she's starting to seek it. It's subtle, but it's a start! And she seems more even in the reins today. And we cantered too. The left lead took three tries but the third try was much more prompt! But she was a speedy monster today! hee hee. Poor Marvin. I think we scared him. So we went back to trotting and she got even better the second half of the ride. At the end I had Kelli take some video to see. And I'm so proud!!! We're making progress!!!

Then she got a bath because it was like 64 degrees today and she worked hard. She even had butt foam and I don't think it was tension butt foam. I think it was "using yourself correctly" butt foam. So she got a rinse and then I tried loading again. Again, not successful but Kelli was there and had loaded Marvin. So... things changed. Oh well. Then Lexi showed up, so.. she didn't really get much lunch. But maybe that will encourage her to try harder tomorrow. ;) 


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