
Showing posts from January, 2023

Aha moments!

  Today was a good day. It didn't rain! The sun even came out! I cleaned out the tack room (mid tack) part of my trailer so that I could drop the ramp on the side and lead Lyric all the way through. Maybe she won't be as claustrophobic?? I don't know. I'm not sure it did any good. We tried and she was not any better today and maybe even a bit worse again. She did get her front feet on the side ramp but we didn't get any farther than that and I only got her with all four feet in from the back twice and she immediately retreated after one bite of food. Sigh. And then Kelli got here to ride.    Of course right then was when the insurance company chose to call me back. Despite me calling multiple times all morning. BUT... despite the ridiculousness, it sounds like my migraine preventative will be covered. Phew! I've been miserable the last few days with non-stop headaches and migraines every night. So poor Kelli showed up and I was on the phone until we were all tac...

20th Ride: With friends

 Rode at home with Marvin Speedy and a bit sassy. But probably my fault. I got in my head and didn't want her leaning but was a bit too insistent...  no videos because... I told Kelli I wasn't sure I wanted to see them and... sadly she didn't argue with me. Doh.  Some good moments at the end. Starting to reach. And got both leads. the right one is coming along kinda nice even.  Then Sunday: Just did pillars in hand for a short bit. She was playing bitey face with fleck though! (I'm a little bit mad at Fleck for playing it with her and not with Dan when he was young!)

Ride 19: and a REAL XC jump!

 Today was exciting but in good ways!    I got home early and it was a little warmer than I had thought so I pulled clothes off. And Mike decided to wash the car so... that set the ponies off. They were rowdy! Lyric was doing laps and bucking. Even Fleck was bucking.... I figured that with Mike still washing the car and playing his music loudly... I'd work Dan first. Lyric could wait!    The timing was great because Mike went to go get the jag gassed up when I was ready to get Lyric so we were able to calmly go to the trailer and get lunch. She loaded right up today and ate pretty steadily without coming off for a good bit. She did go on and off a few times towards the end, but not as bad. Then we groomed and tacked up. I opted for the jump saddle today to see if that really was what was jazzing her up. We walked up to the arena and then did our pillar walks. Then I lunged. And... she was a bit more animated at the lunge today. Nothing bad, but.... after we went...

Drama Day

  Well today was... exciting!  The two girls and Flecky were napping when I went to work ponies, so I started with Dan. Lyric looked so peaceful! When I finished with Dan I snagged her and took her to the trailer. I wanted to bemer her but also wanted to do trailer loading, so... we loaded first. She went right in pretty much and ate half her lunch. She came out a few times but went back in on her own each time. So yay! So then I tied her to the trailer and put the bemer on and got her a hay net. She was pretty good but then she got all tense and her heart started pounding. Turns out my neighbor was pulling the tarp off her bush (to protect it from the cold) and dragging it across the yard. Okay, fair enough! That's kind of scary. And honestly, Lyric got big and tall and scared but she didn't panic. And then once the neighbor was done, she settled right back down! But then another neighbor was doing something ( maybe... she was looking over towards Tom's house) and she got ...

Ride 17

Today was a nice day. The sun came out and it wasn't too windy or chilly. I fed ponies and then after they ate and I ate and did some house chores, I went to pull blankets. It was still a hair chilly, so I left Lyrics on and tried to load her for "brunch". She was not having it this morning. She got both front feet on and was trying to pull the feed pan closer with her lip. At least she's smart. We spent about 30 minutes but she just wouldn't quite come all the way in, so she only ate about half of her brunch. I picked a time and then backed her off and turned her back out. Sorry.. you don't come in the traiiler, you don't get second breakfast!   So then I did a few things and then grabbed her again. We groomed at the trailer and I tacked her up. I decided to hand walk her up to the arena via Jean's driveway today. Just.. because. And she was good. She was mostly chill the whole way. Once we got to the arena we did our two plus laps of pillar work. The...