Quick work this morning

 This morning I did a short session with Lyric in the pasture. She was good. Funny and Dan both came over to investigate, and then later Fleck too. Ha! The unicorn fanny pack was giving out timothy pellets and they didn't want to miss out! But she was good. No real releases but I think it's cause she was focused on the food. So... ??? I still wonder if I'm missing something. I plan to do some more body work tomorrow between foot rads and dentistry. But she was good. She's getting better at letting go and giving with pressure on the halter. And we got some good pillar 1 and 2's. 

So...... it feels like the slowest baby steps ever, but I guess it took Dan awhile too. I'm just anxious to ride her and I'm torn between wanting to ride and wanting to make her body strong and correct first. I mean... I know better... but I am kind of really wanting to get on her and see how she is! And see if I can help her under saddle. But... I know better. Sigh. It's just hard. And she's so wonky... and still so downhill. But I do think her brachiocephalic is letting go and getting less prominent. So yay!


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