Putting in the time

 Tonight I snuck in a little bit of pillar work. But first, we trotted in the pasture together. On a loose lead! And maybe she was a little bit lower in her head and a little less braced in her brachiocephalics today. 


Then we headed into the roundpen and did pillar work. We mostly focused on pillar one static and then walking off. We also did pillar 2 today and that's getting MUCH better. And we did a little bit of pillar 3. We also tried jogging again in the round pen. Going to the left wasn't too bad, but when I was on her right side, she isn't as good. I had to pop her with the lead rope to get her to trot and then that stressed her so she got much more inverted. She also tried to kick out towards me once or twice. Nope! Naughty girl! Sigh. Whoops. Guess I need my whip when I do this, although even then she's still a little inverted and braced. But I did get a few steps of soft neck at the trot. And then we stopped on the loose rein and came back to pillar 1 at the walk and the halt. 

Then we were just about done and doing one more pillar 3 each way and Dan came over to pester us. He wouldn't leave me alone and then grabbed the lead rope. I ended up letting him take it and videoed. Poor Lyric! She behaved very well considering. Hee hee. I felt bad for her and rescued her fairly quickly. Not quick enough in her mind. Ha ha. So we went back to pillar 1 and 2 and then I turned her loose. 

I opened up the middle field again and they ran around like fools for a little bit. 


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